Our Services

ACTF stands for African Creative and Technology Foundation. We are happy to offer a varied variety of services that allow individuals and companies to succeed in the digital era as a pioneering organisation devoted to supporting innovation and creativity in Africa’s tech-driven sectors. We hope to catalyse growth and inspire good change throughout the continent through our impactful programmes, mentorship opportunities, and collaborative efforts. Explore our services below to see how ACTF may be your success partner.

StartUp Launchpad

We at ACTF recognise that startups are the lifeblood of innovation. Our StartUp Launchpad programme offers budding entrepreneurs extensive assistance in turning their creative ideas into profitable enterprises. Our team of professionals provides specialised help at every stage of the startup process, from ideation and market research through seed funding and company growth. Join us and let us make your ideas a reality.

Creative Arts Incubator

The ACTF Creative Arts Incubator is a refuge for rising African artists and entertainers. If you are a painter, musician, filmmaker, or other creative worker, our incubator provides a caring atmosphere in which to polish your abilities and develop your unique expression. Mentorship, access to cutting-edge facilities, and networking opportunities can help you take your creative career to new heights.

Tech for Good Initiatives

ACTF is dedicated to using technology for the greater benefit. Our Tech for Good programmes help projects in Africa solve significant social and environmental issues. Our staff is ready to assist you if you have a tech-driven solution that intends to enhance healthcare, education, agriculture, or any other society element. Join forces with ACTF to double your influence and effect long-term change in communities.

Knowledge Exchange Program

Knowledge sharing is the key to growth in today's linked society. Our Knowledge Exchange Programme connects African entrepreneurs, foreign academics, and industry executives. Collaborate across cultures, take workshops, and receive vital insights to drive your creative and technology endeavours. We can create a worldwide community that promotes innovation and positive change by working together.

Corporate Collaboration

ACTF works with forward-thinking companies that share our commitment to innovation and social responsibility. If your organisation want to interact with the African tech and creative communities, we can assist you in identifying strategic collaboration possibilities, developing corporate social responsibility programmes, and leveraging cutting-edge solutions for mutual success.

Mentorship and Consultation

We believe in the ability of mentoring to develop potential and drive success. Our mentoring and consulting services link ambitious people and businesses with experienced experts from a variety of sectors. Take advantage of personalised assistance, professional insights, and practical recommendations to effectively overcome difficulties and grab opportunities.

Our services at the African Creative and Technology Foundation (ACTF) are intended to drive Africa's creative and technology revolution. We offer specialised support to help you flourish in the dynamic digital world, whether you are an entrepreneur, artist, inventor, or company. Join us on this empowering and transformative adventure. Let us work together to create a future in which innovation, creativity, and technology coexist to create a flourishing and affluent Africa.


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the Future is Tech, the Future is now